1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
- January
- Corporate: Steve Wozniak (26) is working at Hewlett-Packard and Steve Jobs (21) is at Atari.
- March
- Product: Wozniak and Jobs finish work on a preassembled computer circuit board. It has no keyboard, case, sound or graphics. They call it the Apple® I.
- April
- Corporate: Wozniak and Jobs form the Apple Computer Company on April Fool's Day.
- Product: The Apple I debuts at the Homebrew Computer Club in Palo Alto, California.
- May
- Corporate: Jobs sells his VW van and Wozniak sells his Hewlett-Packard programmable calculator, raising $1,350 to finance production of the Apple I boards.
- Corporate: The Byte Shop computer store orders 50 Apple I boards. Jobs leverages the order to get credit so they can build the machines in Jobs' parents' garage.
- June
- Marketing: Apple retains Regis McKenna Advertising to represent Apple Computer.
- July
- Product: The Apple I board is released for sale to hobbyists and electronics enthusiasts at the price of $666.66.
- August
- Corporate: Jobs meets venture capitalist Don Valentine through Atari founder Nolan Bushnell. Valentine will refer Jobs to Mike Markkula, who had previously managed marketing for Intel Corp. and Fairchild Semiconductor.
- November
- Corporate: Apple's first formal business plan sets a goal for sales to grow to $500 million in ten years. As it turns out, the company will pass that mark in half the time.
- December
- Marketing: Apple I computer boards are sold through 10 retail stores in the U.S.
- January
- Corporate: Apple Computer is incorporated by Jobs, Wozniak and their new partner and chairman, Mike Markkula. In addition to plotting its marketing strategy, Markkula invests $250,000 in the fledgling enterprise. Additional financing will come later from a group of venture capitalists that include Venrock Associates, Arthur Rock and Associates and Capital Management Corp.
- Corporate: Apple moves from Jobs' garage to a building on Stevens Creek Boulevard in Cupertino, California.
- February
- Corporate: Markkula asks Michael Scott to accept the position of Apple's president. Scott becomes a driving force behind Apple during its fastest growing years.
- April
- Product: The new Apple® II is unveiled at the first West Coast Computer Faire. It is the first personal computer able to generate color graphics and includes a keyboard, power supply and attractive case.
- Marketing: At the show Apple rents the largest booth and uses a large projection screen for demonstrations. Markkula walks the floor, signing up dealers.
- Corporate: The Apple logo as seen today is designed by Rob Janoff, art director for Regis McKenna Advertising.
- May
- Marketing: Regis McKenna Advertising launches its first ad campaign for Apple. Although advertising is initially aimed at electronics enthusiasts, Apple will soon become the first company to advertise personal computers in consumer magazines.
- June
- Product: The Apple II is now available to the general public. Fully assembled and pretested, it includes 4K of standard memory, and comes equipped with two game paddles and a demo cassette. The price is $1,298. Customers use their own TV set as a monitor and store programs on audio cassette recorders.
- Marketing: Monthly orders reach a $1 million annual sales rate.
- Marketing: First Apple shipped to Europe through an independent distributor called Eurapple.
- January
- Corporate: Apple moves into its new corporate headquarters at 10260 Bandley Drive in Cupertino. Over the years, a campus of Apple office buildings will spring up around it.
- March
- Product: Apple introduces various interface cards for connecting to most printers.
- June
- Product: Apple's Disk II® is introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show. It is the easiest to use, lowest priced, and fastest minifloppy disk drive ever offered by a computer manufacturer. It will make possible the development of serious software. Production at first is handled by just two employees, turning out 30 drives a day.
- Marketing: Apple announces telephone linkup services to Dow Jones for Apple II users.
- December
- Corporate: In only its second year, Apple is one of the fastest growing companies in America. Sales have increased tenfold, and its dealer network has grown to over 300.
- February
- Marketing: President Mike Scott declares that Apple should set an example for businesses everywhere, and issues a company-wide mandate: "No more typewriters."
- June
- Product: Apple II+ is introduced, available with 48K of memory and a new auto-start ROM for easier startup and screen editing for $1,195.
- Corporate: Apple Education Foundation is founded. Its goal is to grant Apple systems to schools that will develop new classroom software and integrate computers into the curriculum.
- Product: Apple's first printer, the Silentype®, is introduced.
- Marketing: Apple announces a nationwide repair program featuring same-day service.
- Marketing: The first Dealer Council convenes. Designed to get dealer input without breaking the FTC rules on competition, it will be widely copied by other manufacturers in the personal computer industry.
- August
- Product: Apple II Pascal is released.
- October
- Product: Personal Software, Inc. releases VisiCalc for the Apple II. The spreadsheet is the first application to make personal computers a practical tool for people who don't know how to write their own programs.
- Marketing: The International Apple Core, an independent umbrella organization for user groups, is formed in San Francisco.
- December
- Marketing: Apple introduces a low cost, one-year extended warranty for all Apple products.
- Product: Apple II sales rate is at 35,000 units, up 400 percent from 1978.
- Corporate: Apple now employs 250 people working out of four buildings.
- March
- Product: Apple Fortran introduced. Proves to be a catalyst for high-level technical and educational applications.
- June
- Marketing: Regional support centers open in Boston, MA; Charlotte, NC; Irvine, CA; Carrollton, TX and Toronto, Canada.
- July
- Manufacturing: Apple opens a manufacturing plant in Carrollton, TX. Apple facilities now occupy more than half a million square feet of floor space in the U.S. and Europe.
- September
- Product: Apple III announced at the National Computer Conference. With a new operating system, a built-in disk controller and four peripheral slots priced at $3,495, the Apple III is the most advanced system in the company's history.
- Manufacturing: Apple opens a plant in Cork, Ireland and a European support center in Zeist, The Netherlands.
- November
- Product: Apple II chosen as the network access machine for EDUNET an international computer network for higher education and research.
- December
- Corporate: Apple goes public. Morgan Stanley and Co. and Hambrecht & Quist underwrite an initial public offering of 4.6 million shares of Apple common stock at a price of $22 per share. Every share is bought within minutes of the offering, making this the largest public offering since Ford went public in 1956.
- Corporate: Apple's employee count breaks 1,000.
- Marketing: Apple Seed announced, a computer literacy program that will provide elementary and high schools with computer course materials.
- Marketing: Apple's distribution network is the largest in the industry-800 independent retailers in the U.S. and Canada, plus 1,000 outlets abroad.
- January
- Corporate: R&D budget jumps to $21 million, three times more than the year before.
- Corporate: Apple announces a Loan-To-Own program for employees. Each employee can borrow an Apple II+ to use at home. After one year, the computer becomes theirs to keep.
- February
- Corporate: Mike Scott authorizes the layoff of 40 employees in an effort to streamline Apple's internal machinery.
- Marketing: Chiat/Day Advertising acquires the Apple account when it acquires Regis McKenna's advertising operations.
- Corporate: European headquarters open in Paris, France and Slough, England.
- March
- Corporate: Top management restructured. Mike Markkula replaces Mike Scott as president; Steve Jobs succeeds Markkula as chairman; Scott named vice chairman.
- Marketing: Apple Expo '81 is launched - the company's first national merchandising roadshow.
- April
- Corporate: Accessory Products Division formed to handle production of printers, modems and other peripherals.
- May
- Product: Apple Language Card introduced. It allows Apple II users to run programs in either Pascal, Fortran or Pilot.
- Product: IEEE-488 interface card announced. Apple II computers may now be linked to over 1,400 scientific and technical instruments.
- Corporate: Second offering of 2.6 million shares of common stock is completed.
- July
- Marketing: Apple begins to air commercials featuring Dick Cavett as spokesman.
- Manufacturing: Manufacturing plant opens in Singapore.
- August
- Marketing: International Business Machines introduces the IBM Personal Computer. Apple greets its new competitor with a full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal with a headline that reads, "Welcome IBM. Seriously."
- September
- Product: Apple's first mass storage system, the 5MB ProFile(tm) hard disk is introduced, priced at $3,499.
- November
- Marketing: There are now about 3,000 Apple dealers worldwide, a third of which are authorized service centers.
- Corporate: First annual report notes that the Apple II installed base has grown to well over 300,000; that employees now number about 2,500; and that Apple has introduced over 40 new software programs this year.
- Marketing: Apple becomes a household name. Surveys show that public awareness rose from 10 percent to 80 percent in 1981.
- January
- Corporate: R&D budget increases 81 percent over last year to $38 million.
- Marketing: More than 100 companies are making personal computers. Apple has an installed base of more than 650,000 units; 10,000 Apple software programs offered by more than 1,000 developers; 60 companies producing Apple II peripherals.
- July
- Product: Apple Dot Matrix printer introduced for $2,195.
- August
- Corporate: Apple announces that U.S. Customs agents will detain and seize all foreign imitations of the Apple II.
- November
- Marketing: A new extended warranty program is announced and dubbed AppleCare®.
- Marketing: AppleFest®-a showplace for more than 5,000 Apple-related products-opens in San Francisco.
- December
- Corporate: Apple becomes the first personal computer company to reach $1 billion annual sales rate. It throws a "Billion Dollar Party" for employees.
- Corporate: Community Affairs office created to award grants to civic groups that deal with issues such as housing, drug abuse, the environment, employment, medical research, the arts, youth and the elderly.
- Marketing: Time magazine's "Man of the Year" issue is devoted to "The Year of the Computer."
- January
- Product: Apple IIe computer priced at $1,395 and Lisa® computer priced at $9,995 introduced as well as several new peripherals.
- Marketing: Apple's European offices and distributors stage major events in 12 cities to launch new products--London, Paris, Zurich, Munich, Milan, Stockholm, Amsterdam, Helsinki, Brussels, Tel Aviv, Madrid and Dublin.
- February
- Corporate: Apple University founded to provide employee training programs.
- April
- Corporate: John Sculley, formerly president of Pepsi-Cola, elected Apple's new president and CEO.
- May
- Corporate: Apple enters the Fortune 500 at number 411 in under five years.
- Corporate: "Kids Can't Wait" program announced. Apple II computers will be given to about 10,000 California schools by September.
- June
- Corporate: The millionth Apple II rolls off the assembly line and is the first of the computers to be awarded in the "Kids Can't Wait" grant.
- July
- Marketing: Apple and General Electric Credit Corp. form the Apple Plan. Customers who qualify are given a credit Credit card to finance Apple purchases.
- September
- Corporate: EVA (Employee Volunteer Action) is created to match the skills of Apple employees with community needs.
- October
- Marketing: Certified/Registered Apple Developer Program created.
- November
- Product: AppleWorks®, an integrated package containing word processing, spreadsheet, and database applications all in one, is introduced and will soon become the world's best selling software.
- December
- Product: Apple III+ computer announced and lists for $2,995.
- Product: ImageWriter® printer introduced and lists for $675.
- Marketing: Apple sponsors a nationwide Computer Clubs competition for high school and K-12.
- January
- Marketing: Apple landmark "1984" commercial that introduces the Macintosh personal computer airs during the SuperBowl broadcast. This is the only time Apple will run the spot, but over the following weeks it is replayed by dozens of news and talk shows, making "1984" one of the most memorable ads in TV history.
- Product: Macintosh unveiled at Apple's annual shareholders meeting to be sold for $2,495.
- Marketing: Apple inserts a 20-page ad for Macintosh in major magazines and sets new records for readership and recall scores.
- Marketing: Apple University Consortium announced. Twenty-four leading colleges and universities agree to conduct major development programs with the Macintosh, and commit $61 million in sales to the project over a three year period.
- Manufacturing: A new factory, designed and built for the production of Macintosh computers, is officially opened in Fremont, CA. The facility is one of the nation's most automated plants and uses many Japanese manufacturing methods: robotics, just-in-time materials delivery, a linear assembly line, and an improved quality of life for workers.
- Product: The 300- and 1200-baud Personal Modems are introduced at $299 and $495.
- April
- Product: Apple IIc, priced at $1,295, introduced at the company's "Apple II Forever" conference in San Francisco. Two thousand dealers place orders on the spot for more than 52,000 units--an industry record.
- Product: Development of the Apple III line is discontinued.
- Product: Scribe printer, priced at $299, is introduced.
- Marketing: National Accounts program is announced focusing on large volume purchasers in the Fortune 1000.
- May
- Marketing: Apple severs its ties with domestic manufacturer representatives saying it will build its own sales force to service the dealer network.
- Manufacturing: Manufacturing facility in Cork, Ireland begins producing custom-language Macintosh computers for Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom.
- July
- Marketing: Apple is elected to the Consumers Digest Hall of Fame for responsiveness to consumer needs.
- August
- Product: Apple IIc receives the 1984 Industrial Design Excellence Award (IDEA) sponsored by the Product Industrial Designers Society of America.
- September
- Product: Macintosh 512K introduced at $3,195.
- October
- Corporate: Apple Corporate Grants department formed, encompassing Education Affairs and Employee Volunteer Action programs.
- November
- Marketing: Apple buys every advertising page in a special post-election issue of Newsweek. The issue's final, fold-out ad is used to launch "Test Drive a Macintosh" promotion. About 200,000 people take a Macintosh home for a free 24-hour trial. Advertising Age magazine names "Test Drive" one of the 10 best promotions of the year.
- Product: Two millionth Apple II sold.
- January
- Marketing: Super Bowl XIX: Apple covers Stanford Stadium with Apple-embossed seat cushions. Also runs a controversial new commercial titled, "Lemmings."
- Product: "The Macintosh Office" campaign is launched at the annual shareholder's meeting. Program stresses the significance of Apple's new LaserWriter® printer priced at $6,999 and AppleTalk® Personal Network priced at $50. Jobs introduces Apple's goal of connectivity to other personal computers and declares "detente with IBM."
- Marketing: Apple and Northern Telecom announce an agreement to network Macintosh computers over telephone lines of digital PBX switches.
- Product: Lisa officially renamed the Macintosh XL.
- Corporate: Apple shows up on magazines' best-of-lists for 1984: Sculley is named "Adman of the Year" by Advertising Age; Macintosh is named "Hardware Product of the Year" by Infoworld;and Jobs and Wozniak are named members of the "Best of the New Generation" by Esquire.
- Corporate: Best quarterly sales ever, but dealer inventories remain high after a disappointing holiday season. Amid the celebrations, John Sculley warns that the next few months will be "extremely challenging" for Apple.
- February
- Corporate: Jobs and Wozniak receive National Technology Medal from President Reagan at the White House.
- Corporate: Wozniak resigns to start a company that will develop products in the home video area.
- March
- Marketing: Apple and 28 independent developers dominate an issue of the WSJ with ads promoting "The Macintosh Office."
- Marketing: Apple IIe computers are enhanced with four new higher-performance chips.
- Corporate: The company's employee count hits all-time high of 5,700.
- Manufacturing: Manufacturing plants close for one week due to excess inventory.
- April
- Marketing: Apple announces a computer training scholarship program for elementary and secondary school educators.
- Product: Over 400,000 Apple IIc computers have been sold in the first year of production.
- Product: Macintosh XL (formerly called Lisa) is dropped from Apple's product line.
- Product: ImageWriter II, HD-20 hard disk and Apple Personal Modem introduced.
- June
- Corporate: Sculley announces a major reorganization. Work force reduced by 20 percent (1,200 employees).Operations are restructured along functional lines, not product lines. Manufacturing facilities are reduced from six to three plants.
- Marketing: Apple launches European University Consortium at Lund University in Sweden.
- Corporate: The First quarterly loss in the company's history is reported because of the cost associated with the reorganization.
- July
- Corporate: AppleLink® telecommunications network goes into service, connecting Apple employees dealers, suppliers, developers, and vendors through electronic mail and information libraries.
- Marketing: Apple's Office of Special Education is created to identify the computer-related needs of disabled people and assist in the development of responsive programs.
- August
- Corporate: Apple takes a public stand against South African apartheid by discontinuing its selling activities in South Africa.
- Corporate: Apple's Placement Center-created to find new jobs for employees laid off in the reorganization-closes its doors, after successfully placing 90 percent of those who used its services.
- September
- Corporate: Steve Jobs resigns to start a new computer company.
- November
- Corporate: First Lady Nancy Reagan presents an Apple IIe to the College de Leman International in Versoix, Switzerland during the Reagan-Gorbachev summit.
- Manufacturing: Singapore manufacturing plant receives its country's National Productivity Award.
- Marketing: Education Advisory Council founded - an opportunity for leading educators to help guide Apple's products and programs for schools.
- December
- Marketing: Apple buys 14 pages of advertising in USA Today for the Apple IIe and IIc.
- January
- Product: Macintosh Plus and LaserWriter Plus unveiled at the AppleWorld(tm) Conference in San Francisco, priced at $2,599 and $6,798.
- Marketing: Apple announces it will build a network of specialty dealers to service the education market.
- Marketing: U.S. schools given the opportunity to trade in old Apple, IBM, Tandy and Commodore personal computers for credits on the purchase of new Apple computers.
- Marketing: Academic Courseware exchange founded. A joint effort of Apple and Kinko's graphics, the program will distribute low-priced, university-developed Macintosh software through Kinko's copy shops serving colleges and universities across the country.
- Marketing: Apple forms a support program to promote communication between the company and nearly 600 Apple user groups nationwide.
- February
- Product: Apple purchases a Cray X-MP/48 supercomputer, valued at about $15.5 million. The system will be used to simulate future hardware and software architectures and accelerate new product development.
- March
- Marketing: Apple CentreSM dealerships open throughout the United Kingdom - stores dedicated exclusively to selling Apple desktop solutions.
- April
- Product: Macintosh 512K is replaced with an enhanced version with more power and storage. The Macintosh 512K Enhanced sells for $1,999.
- Marketing: Educators are offered special rebates on computers for their personal use through a six month program called "An Apple for the Teacher."
- Marketing: Apple reduces number of authorized Apple dealers from 2,600 to 2,000.
- Marketing: Apple moves its advertising account from Chiat/Day to BBDO, which had previously handled the company's advertising abroad.
- Product: Apple introduces a KanjiTalk(tm) Japanese version of the Macintosh operating system.
- June
- Product: Collaborative effort is begun with the National Geographic Society and Lucasfilm Ltd. to explore the use of optical technologies (video and compact disc) in education.
- August
- Marketing: Apple Programmers and Developers Association(tm) (APDA(tm)) formed.
- September
- Product: Apple IIGS®, with enhanced graphics, sound and expanded memory, priced at $999, as well as an enhanced Apple IIc are introduced.
- Marketing: Apple stages Open House events in shopping malls across the country. Hands-on demonstrations of computers and software attract thousands of first time buyers.
- Marketing: Apple opens a sales office in Washington, D.C. as part of a new marketing group that will focus on sales to the U.S. government at the federal, state and local levels.
- October
- Marketing: The press is invited to the Plaza Hotel in New York for a sneak preview of Apple's new TV commercials. Film critics Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert provide their own editorial reviews following the show.
- Product: Arabic Macintosh operating system introduced.
- December
- Product: Over 200,000 AppleTalk networks are now in place, making it one of the world's most preferred local area computer networks.
- Marketing: Apple is now selling into more than 80 countries worldwide.
- Corporate: 1986 Annual Report describes a full recovery from the prior turbulent year-profits for the fiscal year close at record highs, 151% over the previous year; employment has nearly returned to pre-reorganization levels with about 5,500 employees worldwide; and Apple enjoys the industry's highest sales to employee ratio.
- January
- Product: Apple updates the IIe, priced at $829.
- Product: New desktop communications products including the AppleShare® file server software and AppleTalk PC Card are introduced. They are priced at $799 and $399.
- March
- Product: A new generation of Macintosh personal computers is introduced at the AppleWorld(tm) Conference in Los Angeles. The Macintosh SE, an expandable Macintosh, is priced at $2,898 for a dual floppy configuration. The Macintosh II, with its open architecture, is priced at $3,898 for the basic system, and at $5,498 for one MB of RAM, one 800K floppy disk drive and one 40MB internal SCSI hard disk drive.
- Marketing: Apple introduces the "Apple Unified School System" and Apple's Education Purchase Program (EPP) in a shared commitment with educators to integrate computers into the learning process.
- April
- Corporate: Apple announces a two-for-one share split and declares its first quarterly cash dividend at $0.06 per share (post-split).
- Marketing: The National Special Education Alliance (NSEA) is formed to promote awareness of computer use by disabled individuals.
- Corporate: Apple announces plans to create an independent software company, to be known later as Claris.
- May
- Corporate: Ronald McDonald Children's Charities and Apple announce the joint funding of the installation of Macintosh personal computer systems in 100 Ronald McDonald houses across the United States.
- Corporate: Apple invests in Touch Communications, Inc. to support the development of Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) networking products for the Macintosh platform.
- June
- Marketing: Scholastic Software and Apple honor the U.S. Constitution with a National Archives exhibit.
- August
- Product: Apple unveils a host of new products at MacWorld® in Boston. New software products include the HyperCard® personal tool kit for organizing all forms of information, and MultiFinder(tm), the first multitasking operating system for Macintosh. New hardware products include the ImageWriter® LQ, priced at $1,399 and the AppleFax(tm) Modem, priced at $699.
- September
- Marketing: AppleFest® is held in San Francisco to celebrate the Apple II family of computers.
- October
- Corporate: USA for Africa/Hands Across America and Apple announce an electronic network for combating hunger and homelessness. The pilot project will connect 50 organizations for the hungry and homeless throughout the state of California.
- Corporate: Apple donates $50,000 to this year's EDUCOM/NCRIPTAL Higher Education Software Awards Program.
- November
- Marketing: Apple introduces its VAR program strategy for 1988 and announces key contracts with Automatix, Inc., Du Pont Biotechnology Systems, Interleaf, Inc. and TechSouth, Inc.
- Corporate: Apple awards $1.1 million in computer grants to 25 primary and secondary schools nationwide in the second cycle of Apple Education Affairs' "Equal Time" grants program. The technology will be used to help students develop higher-level thinking skills.
- December
- Corporate: For the first time, Apple uses its HyperCard technology to distribute a 1987 HyperCard supplement on diskette for Macintosh personal computers.
- January
- Corporate: MacWorld® Expo opens featuring 350 exhibitors and over 25,000 attendees, underscoring the acceptance of the Macintosh in business. John Sculley's keynote address stresses Apple's commitment to networking and connectivity.
- Product: Apple introduces the LaserWriter® II family of desktop laser printers, priced at $6,599 for the LaserWriter IINTX, $4,599 for the Laser Writer IINT, and $2,799 for the LaserWriter IISC.
- Product: AppleShare® PC is introduced, allowing users of an IBM PC or compatible computer to share and print information stored on an AppleShare File Server. Price is $149.
- Corporate: Digital Equipment Corporation and Apple announce a joint technology agreement to integrate Macintosh personal computers and AppleTalk networks with VAX systems.
- Corporate: Apple reports first billion dollar quarter in its history as net income rises 108 percent.
- February
- Product: Apple ships A/UX® for the Macintosh II, which combines the Macintosh intuitive user interface with UNIX. Prices range from $8,597 for the entry monochrome system to $9,346 for the entry color system.
- March
- Corporate: Apple acquires Network Innovations to help build its networking and communications capabilities.
- Marketing: Apple and Texas Instruments announce the MicroExplorer(tm) computer system, an Apple Macintosh II computer equipped with TI's Explorer Lisp coprocessor board and software environment. This agreement with TI is one of Apple's largest value added reseller agreements to date for the Macintosh family of personal computers.
- Product: Apple introduces AppleCD SC(tm), an optical storage device that gives access to huge amounts of information. Priced at $1,199, a single CD-ROM disc can store up to 270,000 pages of typewritten information.
- Marketing: Suggested retail price for the Macintosh Plus is reduced from $2,199 to $1,799.
- Corporate: Apple files suit against Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard to protect its Macintosh audio visual display. The lawsuit is seen as having industry wide implications regarding copyright laws.
- Corporate: Apple announces the opening of an employee childcare center. Apple's childcare center is supplied with Macintosh computers for administrative functions and as a teacher resource tool. Apple IIc and Apple IIGS computers are used for child learning.
- May
- Product: Apple and Quantum Computer Services introduce AppleLink-Personal Edition, an online communication and information service designed specifically for Apple II computer s.
- June
- Corporate: Apple acquires Orion Network Systems, Inc., which develops and markets IBM- compatible Systems Network Architecture(SNA) software products.
- August
- Product: Apple ships five products that expand and enhance its AppleTalk Network System: AppleShare File Server; $799, AppleShare Print Server, $299; Aristotle, $199; Apple II Workstation Card, $249; Apple IIG Workstation Software, $99; and Inter-Poll Network Administrator's Utility, $129.
- Marketing: Apple and Digital Equipment Corporation outline a joint development program for integrating their respective networking environments.
- Product: Apple celebrates HyperCard: One Year Later and announces new products at Macworld including the Apple Scanner, priced at $1,799; the Macintosh II 4MB RAM, 40MB hard drive configuration priced at $7,269, and the Macintosh II four megabyte memory expansion kit priced at $2,399.
- Corporate: The Challenger Center for Space Science Education, Apple Computer, Inc., and the Houston Museum of Natural Science host the opening of the first Challenger Center, a place where children can learn science and math in a simulated space station.
- Corporate: Apple creates four internal operating divisions, each to function as independent operating units and headed by operating division presidents. They are: Apple Pacific, led by Del Yocam; Apple Products, led by Jean-Louis Gassée; Apple USA, led by Allan Z. Loren; and Apple Europe, led by Michael Spindler.
- September
- Marketing: Apple appoints eight nationally recognized educators as Educational Technology Consultants (ETCs) to help integrate technology into schools and prepare K-12 students for the 21st century.
- Product: A faster and less expensive Apple II computer is introduced-the Apple IIc Plus-at $1,099. GS/OS(tm), an enhanced Apple IIBS operating system is available for $39.
- Product: Apple introduces the Macintosh IIx computer, priced at $7,769. It is the first Macintosh II computer to use Motorola's 68030 microprocessor and 68882 math coprocessor. It is also the first Macintosh to incorporate FDHD(tm)-Floppy Drive High Density-Apple's new 1.44MB floppy disk drive that can read and write to MS-DOS, OS/2 and ProDOS® formats.
- Product: A new configuration is announced for the Macintosh SE. The new unit features two megabytes of RAM and an internal 40 megabyte hard drive. It retails for $5,069.
- October
- Corporate: Apple reports net sales of $4.07 billion and net income of $400.3 million for fiscal year 1988.
- January
- Product: Apple introduces high-performance Macintosh SE/30 that provides MS-DOS and O/S2 disk compatibility. Suggested retail price is $4369.00
- Marketing: Apple announces new services for Apple development community. Apple Partners and Apple Associates Program are designed to provide greater convenience and improved services for Apple's growing and increasingly diverse development community.
- Product: Apple offers the Macintosh Programmers Workshop (MPW(tm))3.0, a complete software development system for creating professional software application programs for the Macintosh family.
- Corporate: Apple acquires Coral Software Corp., which markets programming languages and artificial intelligence tools for Macintosh computers.
- March
- Product: Apple announces 21-inch Two Page Monochrome Monitor and 15-inch Apple Macintosh Portrait Display. Suggested retail prices $2149.00 and $1099.00
- Product: Apple rolls out the versatile Macintosh IIcx with 68030 performance in a small-sized modular design. Suggested retail price $5369.00.
- April
- Product: Apple II Video Overlay Card is introduced. It provides video overlay capabilities for the Product Apple IIGS.
- Product: Apple introduces 32-Bit QuickDraw(tm) that allows Macintosh personal computers to process and display photo-quality documents, images and visualizations with exceptional color clarity.
- May
- Product: Apple announces Macintosh Communications Toolbox which extends the Macintosh System Software into the networking + communications environment. Macintosh
- Product: Apple announces seven core technologies to be included in future versions of system software. Core technologies include a new outline format, Inter Application Communications, Layout Manager,Updated Finder, Database Manager, New Print Architecture and Virtual Memory.
- June
- Corporate: Apple donates $2 million in computers to 23 schools to help at-risk students.
- Product: Apple unveils more than a dozen new networking and communication products to increase Macintosh compatibility in multivendor environments, including DEC, IBM, OSI and TCP/IP.
- Marketing: Apple launches desktop media marketing campaign (desktop publishing, desktop presentations and multimedia).
- July
- Product: Apple IIGS System Software 5.0 is announced. It is the first 16-bit operating system for the Apple IIGS that operates over the AppleTalk network system.
- Corporate: Apple sells all 3,423,792 shares of its common stock holdings of Adobe Systems, netting Apple $79 million.
- August
- Product: Apple announces the Apple FDHD(tm) SuperDrive(tm) now standard in all Macintosh SE computers and reduces the suggested retail price of all Macintosh SE 68000-based configurations by $300 in the U.S.
- September
- Corporate: Ian W. Diery joins Apple as senior vice president and president, Apple Pacific. Diery replaces Delbert W. Yocam.
- Product: Apple announces Macintosh Portable, a full-function Macintosh in a portable design, and Macintosh IIci, a high-performance version of the Macintosh IIcx, running at 25 MHz with built-in video.
- October
- Corporate: Apple announces earnings of $454.0 million, or $3.53 per share, for the year ended September 29, 1989, on revenues of $5.284 billion.
- December
- Product: Apple ships the CL/1 Developer's Toolkit for Macintosh and CL/1Server for VAX/VMS. Both provide a client-server platform for developing and running Macintosh applications that can have access to data residing on a variety of host platforms.
- Corporate: Xerox files suit challenging the validity of Apple's copyrights covering the Lisa and Macintosh computers' graphical user interfaces. Apple responds that the claims are without merit.
- Marketing: Apple, the National Foundation for the Improvement of Education (NFIE), the National Alliances of Business (NAB) and Group W Television announces the Thanks to Teachers campaign, a nationwide teacher excellence awards.
- January
- Corporate: Michael Spindler, previously president Apple Europe, promoted to Chief Operating Officer. Allan Loren, previously president Apple USA, resigns. Sören Olsson, formerly vice president Apple Sweden & Europe North, promoted to president, Apple Europe.
- February
- Corporate: In response to slow U.S. growth, 400 employee positions--mostly in General & Administrative and Apple USA Sales & Marketing - are laid off.
- Product: Apple reduces U.S. prices on Macintosh SE, SE/30, and LaserWriter II printers.
- Corporate: Apple and KPMG Peat Marwick allign to provide system integration services for companies implementing executive information systems on Macintosh.
- March
- Corporate: Jean-Louis Gassée, previously president of Apple Products, resigns. R&D organization starts to report to Sculley.
- Product: Apple extends warranty for U.S. hardware products to one-year.
- Product: Apple rolls out a collection of high-performance Macintosh products: The "wicked fast" Macintosh IIfx, A/UX 2.0, and a new family of powerful display cards. The 40 MHz, 68030 IIfx is the fastest system Apple has ever developed.
- Corporate: U.S. District Court dismisses most of Xerox's lawsuit against Apple, which challenged the validity of Macintosh and Lisa copyrights.
- April
- Corporate: Earnings per share skyrocket 136 percent for the second fiscal quarter to $1.04. But revenues only increase eight percent. Gross margins are up due to strong sales of high-end systems and decreases in component costs.
- June
- Product: Apple announces at PC Expo that it will license AppleTalk--the company's Macintosh networking software.
- Product: HyperCard 2.0 debuts at Digital World. It sports more than 100 new features.
- Corporate: Robert Puette--at 24-year Hewlett-Packard veteran--becomes President, Apple USA.
- July
- Product: Apple rolls out new line of low-cost laser printers: the Personal LaserWriter SC and Personal LaserWriter NT.
- Corporate: Apple legends Bill Atkinson, Andy Hertzfeld, and Marc Porat form a new spin-out company, General Magic. Apple becomes a minority investor in the new venture.
- September
- Corporate: Apple lists on Tokyo Stock Exchange.
- Product: Beta-quality version of System 7 ships to developers.
- October
- Product: Apple rolls out a suite of new low-cost Macintosh personal computers, the Macintosh Classic®, the Macintosh LC, and Macintosh IIsi. The products are the first volley in Apple's aggressive new market-share strategy. The Classic, especially, meets with phenomenal initial acceptance.
- Corporate: Fiscal 1990 revenues surpass $5.5 billion.
- November
- Corporate: Spindler becomes President, Apple Computer, Inc.
- December
- Product: Apple rolls out HyperCard for the Apple IIGS
- January
- Product: Apple announces plug-and-play Ethernet product family, including the Apple Ethernet LC card and the Ethernet NB card for NuBus Macintosh systems.
- Corporate: Apple petitions the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to let computers transmit and receive information over radio waves, paving the way for a new industry, called Data Personal Communications Services (Data-PCS).
- March
- Corporate: U.S. District Court dismisses arguments by Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard questioning the originality of Apple's Macintosh copyrights. Case moves closer to trial.
- Product: Low-cost laser printers introduced, including the StyleWriter and Personal LaserWriter LS. Apple also cuts prices on high-end laser printers.
- Manufacturing: Apple chooses Fountain, Co., as site for new manufacturing plant.
- April
- Corporate: Second quarter fiscal 1992 results announced: unit shipments up 85 percent on strong acceptance of new low-end products. Gross margins slip to 48.8 percent.
- Product: Apple says it will eliminate the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) to clean circuit boards.
- May
- Product: Apple unveils the much-anticipated System 7 for $99, the newest upgrade to the Macintosh computer operating system.
- Corporate: Apple announces it will restructure the company over the next 12 months to reduce operating expenses. Apple's workforce is reduced approximately 10 percent.
- Product: Apple announces QuickTime(tm), a new system software architecture for the integration of dynamic media for Macintosh computers.
- June
- Product: Apple ships a family of communication products that extend the ability of Macintosh to integrate with IBM's Systems Network Architecture (SNA) environment.
- July
- Corporate: Apple and IBM sign a letter of intent to cooperate on major technology initiatives for the 1990s.
- August
- Product: Apple announces ten international language versions of System 7.
- Marketing: Apple USA rolls out Macintosh "Right Now Rebate," which offers immediate savings of up to US $800 on selected Apple Macintosh computers and printers.
- September
- Corporate: Federal District Court Judge James Ware enters judgment in favor of two former Apple officers-A.C. (Mike) Markkula, Jr. and John Vennard in 1982 securities law violation case.
- Corporate: Apple announces that it plans to locate the Apple USA Customer Support Center in Austin, Texas and a new 60- to 80-person Module Repair Center in Fountain, Co.
- Corporate: Apple rolls out Beat-the-Backup day. Company donates 75 bicycles to be used by Apple employees for intercampus transportation.
- Product: At the Seybold computer publishing conference, Apple introduces a number of new imaging products: Apple OneScanner(tm)sports revolutionary "one-button" scanning technology; Macintosh 21" Color Display complements the high-performance Macintosh personal computers; LaserWriter IIg and LaserWriter IIf, new laser printers.
- Corporate: Total Macintosh computer unit growth exceeds 60 percent for the full fiscal year, which ended Sept. 27, 1991.
- October
- Corporate: Apple, IBM, and Motorola finalize milestone technology alliance. The alliance consists of five distinct technology initiatives: 1.) better integration of Macintosh PCs into IBM's networks; 2.) a new family of RISC microprocessors for PCs and entry-level workstations; 3.) PowerOpen(tm)--a new open systems environment derived from AIX (IBM's industry-standard version of UNIX); 4.) Kaleida--a new multimedia joint venture that will create and license new multimedia technology; 5.) and Taligent-- a next-generation operating environment based entirely on object-oriented technology.
- Product: Apple announces its Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) interface card for Macintosh personal computers in the United States and Canada.
- Product: At Networld in Dallas, Apple announces a new Token Ring 4/16 NB Card, for the Macintosh product line. It is the first product to emerge from Apple and IBM alliance.
- Product: Apple launches largest product introduction in its history at the Las Vegas Comdex show. Products include Macintosh Classic II, Macintosh Quadra® 700 and 900, and a new line of notebook-sized computers, Macintosh PowerBook® 100, 140 and 170.
- Corporate: Apple announces new environmentally-sensitive packaging and rolls out battery recycling program for customers worldwide.
- November
- Corporate: Apple announces it has appealed to the Court of International Trade, asking the court to reverse the imposition of a 62 percent tariff on active matrix flat panel displays.
- January
- Corporate: John Sculley outlines Apple's plans to create a new category of products-personal digital assistants-in major speech at Consumer Electronics Show.
- Product: MacWorld Expo in San Francisco features hundreds of new applications using QuickTime.
- March
- Product: Apple and Kodak announce that they are working together to integrate support for Photo CD images into future versions of QuickTime.
- Product: Apple announces a low-cost CD-ROM Drive; a powerful new Macintosh LC II; and two new products for MS-DOS/Windows personal computers-the Apple OneScanner(tm) for Windows(tm)and the Personal LaserWriter® NTR.
- Product: Apple and Sharp announce a joint license and development agreement for a new Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) product.
- Corporate: In an effort to reduce environmental waste and conserve natural resources, Apple sets up a program to help customers recycle used toner cartridges from Apple's laser printers.
- May
- Corporate: IBM, Motorola and Apple formally dedicate a new facility that will serve as the focal point of design and development efforts for the PowerPC(tm) family of single-chip, reduced instruction set computing (RISC) microprocessors.
- Product: Apple announces its new WorldScript(tm) technology, intended to transform the Macintosh computer into the first international PC through worldwide language support.
- Corporate: Continuing its expansion into Eastern Europe, Apple announces that it has signed distribution agreements with companies in Romania and Bulgaria to sell and market Apple products.
- Product: Apple introduces the high-powered Macintosh Quadra(tm) 950, a 33-MHz 68040 personal computer.
- Product: SOFTWARE AG and Apple announce an agreement that will enable customers to combine the client/server solutions offered by each company.
- Product: Apple announces MacX.400(tm), MacODA, and MacOSI® at Interop Spring '92.
- Product: At the Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago, Apple unveils its revolutionary Newton Intelligence(tm) technology, which will be the basis for new products in the personal digital assistant category.
- June
- Corporate: Apple becomes a charter participant in the US Environmental Protection Agency's new Energy Star Computers program, a cooperative effort between industry and government to promote the development of computers that use less energy.
- Product: Apple and Toshiba announce an agreement to develop new PDA products in the multimedia player category.
- Corporate: Apple and Symantec announce a development and marketing agreement to provide a cross-platform application framework for Macintosh computers and Microsoft® Windows®-based PCs.
- July
- Corporate: As a result of a partnership between Apple and the Environmental Support Center, one hundred organizations working on environmental issues in the US are awarded personal computers and printers with a total value of over $330,000.
- Corporate: Apple completely eliminates CFC's from worldwide manufacturing operations.
- August
- Product: Apple improves the price/performance of its midrange PowerBook line by introducing the PowerBook 145.
- Product: Number of customers using System 7 reaches 4 million.
- Corporate: As part of Apple's EarthGrants project, Apple donates personal computer systems worth $613,000 to 19 institutions working on environmental issues around the world.
- September
- Corporate: Apple realigns its worldwide manufacturing and distribution activities. Fremont facility will be relocated to the Sacramento facility.
- Product: Apple launches the Macintosh Performa(tm) Line, a new family of computers designed for the consumer marketplace. With the introduction of the Performa line, Macintosh products are available for the first time through mass merchandisers and superstores.
- Product: Responding to customer requests for a wider selection of affordable, high-quality fonts, Apple introduces the Apple Font Pack.
- October
- Marketing: Apple begins direct mail order sales for the first time via The Apple Catalog.
- Corporate: Apple begins manufacturing market-specific products in India.
- Product: To further enhance the multimedia capabilities of its Macintosh computer family, Apple introduces the AppleCD(tm) 300. The portable and mid-range Macintosh lines are strengthened with the introduction of the PowerBook 160 and 180, Macintosh Duo(tm)System, Macintosh IIvx and IIvi, and Macintosh 14-inch Color Display.
- Marketing: Apple computers and LaserWriter printers rank highest in J.D. Power and Associates Business User Satisfaction Studies. Apple tops PC satisfaction index second straight year.
- Product: Apple announces the Apple Multimedia Program designed to spur the development of products such as interactive books, music and animated content.
- November
- Product: Apple announces QuickTime for Windows--which brings sophisticated multimedia capabilities to people who use Windows computers.
- Corporate: Donald Norman, renown expert on human-focused design, joins the company as an Apple Fellow.
- December
- Corporate: Apple reaches its first $2 billion-revenue quarter .
- Product: By end of 1992, the PowerBook product family has won more than 30 top international awards from leading publications and trade shows.
- January
- Product: Apple unveils a collection of color and grayscale imaging products, including ColorSync(tm) color matching architecture, LaserWriter Pro series of workgroup laser printers, StyleWriter® II personal printer, Apple Color Printer, and Apple Color OneScanner. The new Apple Adjustable Keyboard and new Apple Desktop Bus(tm) Mouse II are exceptionally easy to use because of ergonomic design and adjustability
- Product: Apple shows off alpha version of its first Newton product at Winter Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada.
- February
- Product: At Macworld Tokyo, Apple makes largest product introduction in the company's history: Macintosh Color Classic, Macintosh LC III, Macintosh Centris(tm) 610 and 650, Macintosh Quadra 800, PowerBook 165c, and the LaserWriter Select(tm) 300 and 310 laser printers. This is the first time Apple launches major products from a venue outside U.S.
- Product: Apple ships the ten-millionth Macintosh computer.
- Product: Apple introduces SNA-ps 5250 terminal emulator for IBM AS/400 system. It is the first product to be sold by both Apple and IBM.
- March
- Product: Apple introduces three new Apple Workgroup Servers-60, 80 and 95. It also announces AppleSearch(tm), a powerful new information access and retrieval service for Macintosh workgroups.
- Product: PowerCD(tm), a portable CD-ROM drives that plays CD-ROM, Photo CD and audio compact discs, is unveiled at Hannover Fair.
- Marketing: International Data Corporation ranks Apple as the #2 personal computer vendor in Japan, behind the market leader NEC.
- Marketing: As part of a strategy to make Newton an industry standard, Apple begins licensing key technologies to other companies, including Sharp Corporation, Motorola, Siemens.
- Product: QuickTime multimedia software shipments pass the one-millionth mark. Since the product's introduction in January,1992, more than 500 QuickTime applications have been announced by independent developers.
- Product: Apple introduces AppleDesign(tm) Powered speakers-the first speakers designed by a computer company specifically for users of computer and multimedia technology.
- April
- Product: Apple makes available its Japanese Language Kit, a new software product that lets people use Japanese characters on non-Japanese Macintosh computers.
- Corporate: Apple's net revenues for the second fiscal quarter were $1.974 billion--up 15 percent from the second quarter of the prior year. However, net income was $110.9 million -down from the prior year's $135.1 million. An escalating industry price war erodes Apple's gross margins.
- Marketing: Asian Business SYStems (ABSYS) is appointed Apple's marketing arm for Kazakhstan and Central Asian Republics of the CIS. Apple also opens a marketing and channel development office in Mexico City.
- May
- Product: Apple introduces Open Database Connectivity software developers kit that enables Macintosh developer to build applications and drivers using Microsoft ODBC.
- Marketing: Apple delivers VITAL Technical Architecture Guides for corporate information systems planning and development.
- Product: Apple reveals plans to make it possible for Macintosh software services and applications software to run on UNIX systems. Apple will collaborate with other Open Systems vendors consortia.
- Product: During the annual Apple Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple demonstrates a prototype Macintosh computer running on an 80 MHz PowerPC 601(tm) processor, achieving a new performance level in the industry. The company also demonstrates PowerPC-compatibility with existing Macintosh applications software.
- Product: Apple ships QuickDraw(tm) GX, its enhanced imaging services for System 7 system software to more than 15,000 Apple developers.
- Corporate: In a historic meeting, Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple Computer, meets with Poland's President Lech Walesa, the former leader of the "Solidarity" movement. Woz, who's grandparents emigrated from Poland to the U.S., presents President Walesa with a Macintosh PowerBook.
- June
- Product: Two new models expand Apple's popular PowerBook series-the PowerBook 180c brings active matrix color to the top of the line, while the PowerBook 145B lowers the entry-level price by 25 percent.
- Product: Apple debuts two new printers-The low-cost and energy efficient Personal LaserWriter 300 and the Portable StyleWriter, designed specifically for PowerBook users.
- Product: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officially releases the Energy Star emblem for display with energy-efficient computers and peripherals. Apple has more than 20 products that meet the EPA's the technical requirements.
- Corporate: Michael Spindler, formerly Apple's president and COO, is appointed CEO. John Sculley continues as Apple's chairman.
- July
- Corporate: Apple announces it will restructure the company cover the next 12 months to accelerate earnings growth. About 2,500 workers worldwide will be laid-off.
- Product: Apple ships the final beta-test version of its Apple Open Collaboration Environment AOCE(tm)) software. PowerTalk(tm) and PowerShare(tm), the first products based on AOCE, enable network users to exchange electronic mail and documents.
- Product: New Macintosh models, Macintosh Quadra 840AV and Macintosh Centris 660AV bring together telecommunications, video and speech technologies on a desktop computer for the first time.
- August
- Product: The first product based on Apple's Newton technology-the Newton MessagePad(tm) handheld communications assistant-is introduced at Macworld in Boston. 50,000 units are sold in the first 10 weeks.
- Marketing: Apple launches an advertising campaign on MTV, marking Apple's first direct response television effort to reach the college market. The company also debuts a series of print ads and TV commercials that ask "What's on Your PowerBook?"
- Marketing: Apple continues its aggressive price cutting to build sales momentum. Since April, Apple has reduced prices on a broad range of products. Unit shipments pick up significantly.
- September
- Marketing: Apple greatly expands business operations in the People's Republic of China .
- Marketing: Developer interest and support for Apple's Newton technology continues to gain momentum. Over 2,000 developers are working on new applications and titles.
- Corporate: Apple's net sales for fiscal year ending Sept. 25, 1993 are a record $7.98 billion. But, industry conditions continue to put pressure on Apple's margins. Net income is $86.6 million.
- October
- Product: System 7 Pro, an advanced version of the System 7 operating system for Macintosh personal computers is released.
- Marketing: Apple launches Software Dispatch(tm), a 24-hour delivery system that lets Windows and Macintosh customers choose from more than 80 software applications on CD-ROM.
- Corporate: Revenue for the fourth fiscal quarter was $2.14 billion, the highest quarterly sales level ever achieved by the company. Unit shipments of Macintosh computers grew 36 percent, also reaching a new quarterly high.
- Corporate: John Sculley announces his resignation from Apple Computer. A.C. (Mike) Markkula is elected Apple's new chairman.
- Product: PhotoFlash(tm) software for the Macintosh computer , announced at the Seybold conference in San Francisco., simplifies the process of getting photos into documents.
- Product: Motorola delivers first silicon of the PowerPC 603(tm), the second member of the PowerPC family of chips designed jointly by Apple, IBM and Motorola.
- Product: Apple streamlines product lines, announces a host of new Macintosh computer models that cost less, improves the performance of mid-range models, and continues to drop prices on many models.
- Product: Apple announces Macintosh TV, a product that combines an Apple Macintosh computer, television and CD-ROM stereo system into one compact, low-priced unit.
- November
- Product: After 17 years of active duty and 5 million units shipped, the Apple II product line is quietly discontinued. The Washington Post marks the event with an appreciation column, "One Good Apple: A Farewell to the Marvel at the Core of the PC Boom"
- Marketing: PowerBook notebook computer sales top one million mark.
- Product: Ingram Laboratories test results find that many new Macintosh computer models outperform comparably priced DOS systems running Windows 3.1.
- Product: New Apple Remote Access products allow individuals or workgroups to easily access information and services remotely over a variety of connections, ranging from telephone lines to cellular links.
- December
- Product: Newton MessagePad receives top product awards from PC Magazine, PC LapTop Computers Magazine, Fortune, Byte, Popular Science and Reseller Management magazines.
- January
- Product: Apple's Macintosh celebrates 10th birthday!
- Corporate: First quarter unit shipments and revenues hit all-time high. Macintosh shipments up 40% for first fiscal quarter, surpassing one million unit mark for the first time in Apple's history.
- Corporate: Microsoft Corporation and the AppleSoft Division of Apple Computer, Inc., sign comprehensive agreement to provide customers with the necessary software to share information across the Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows operating system platforms.
- Product: PowerPC(tm) 601 chip, Quadra 840AV and Newton Intelligence technology receive Byte Magazine's highest award-the 1993 "Award of Excellence."
- Product: Apple ships PowerShare(tm) Collaboration Servers, its first server software product based on Apple Open Collaboration Environment technology.
- February
- Product: QuickTake(tm) 100 digital camera and Color StyleWriter printer unveiled at MacWorld Tokyo-the largest Macintosh show in the world.
- Product: Apple continues to raise the standard for affordable, easy-to-use desktop computing solutions with the new Macintosh LC 575 and LC 550.
- Product: PowerBook Duo ranked as No. 1 selling subnotebook in the U. S. and Europe by Dataquest.
- Corporate: Apple tops PC Vendor List in U.S. shipments in 1993 for second consecutive year.
- Product: Apple introduces QuickTime(tm) 2.0 with interactive television, music and full-screen video support.
- March
- Product: Apple unveils Power Macintosh 6100/60, 7100/66 & 8100/80-a new line of Apple Macintosh computers fueled by the PowerPC microprocessor.
- Product: Apple announces the Newton MessagePad(tm) 110 and 100.
- Corporate: Apple licenses Newton technology to Toshiba.
- Corporate: Macintosh Application Environment(tm), the first cross-platform Macintosh product for UNIX workstations, announced.
- Product: Power Macintosh named Best Hardware Product by PC Week Magazine at PC '94 in Sydney, Australia.
- April
- Corporate: Apple ships 145,000 Power Macintosh computers in Q2 FY94.
- Corporate: Apple announces three new RISC Workgroup Servers based on PowerPC processors-Workgroup Server 6150, 8150 and 9150.
- Product: Power Macintosh line trounces Pentium processor-based PCs in an independent study conducted by Ingram Laboratories.
- May
- Product: Apple extends its mobile computing solutions with introduction of six new PowerBook computers.
- Product: Newton selected to aid in earthquake relief plan by California Governor's Office of Emergency Services.
- Corporate: Apple Computer urges allocation of radio spectrum for wireless communications technologies in testimony before the U. S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation's Hearing on Education and Telecommunications Infrastructure.
- Product: Apple Japan, Apple's second largest market, ships one millionth Macintosh.
- Corporate: Apple, IBM and Scientific-Atlanta to collaborate on interactive media services.
- Product: PowerBook 500 series awarded "Best of Comdex" honors by BYTE Magazine.
- June
- Product: 100 PowerPC applications now shipping for Apple's Power Macintosh.
- Product: Apple Launches eWorld(tm), its new online community, in the U. S.
- Product: Macintosh System 7.5 operating system for the Macintosh unveiled.
- Product: Apple rolls out new Macintosh 630 computers, a suite of multimedia products under the Performa, LC and Quadra brands; and PowerBook 150, its most affordable notebook computer.
- July
- Corporate: Bell Atlantic selects QuickTime Technology for interactive network.
- Corporate: Steve Capps appointed Apple Fellow.
- Product: Power Macintosh trounces Pentium-based computers again in an independent report by Ingram Laboratories.
- August
- Product: More than 200 Power Macintosh applications highlighted at MacWorld Boston.
- Product: Drake University upgrades its nationally recognized campus computer network to Power Macintosh.
- Corporate: Apple Japan establishes new Apple Disability Center, the first of its kind ouside of the U.S.
- September
- Product: Apple and Adobe Systems Incorporated announce bundling of Acrobat 2.0 software with selected Macintosh systems.
- Product: eWorld marks its international debut.
- Product: Apple introduces WiggleWorks, home learning software for children.
- Product: High quality Color Stylewriter 2400 and high performance LaserWriter 16/600 PS printers introduced.
- October
- Product: Macintosh Performa 6100 line expanded with five new computers based on the PowerPC microprocessor-6110CD, 6112CD, 6115CD, 6117CD, and 6118CD.
- November
- Product: Power Macintosh 8100/110 debuts as industry's fastest, most powerful PC.
- Product: Apple, IBM and Motorola agree on new hardware reference platform for the PowerPC.
- Corporate: Michael Spindler formally opens first Electronic Publishing Center in China.
- Product: Apple delivers QuickTime 2.0 for Windows.
- Corporate: Apple expands manufacturing operations in Elk Grove, Calif., with addition of 200,000 sq. ft. logic board manufacturing facility.
- Product: Apple Computer and Entertainment Drive announce that QuickTime 2.0-based scenes from the soon-to-be-released movie "Interview With the Vampire," distributed by Warner Bros., are now available for downloading from Entertainment Drive(tm) on the CompuServe Information Service.
- Product: Apple announces Power Macintosh 6100 DOS Compatible system and DOS Compatibility Card that allows customers to easily integrate Macintosh into mixed computing environments.
- Corporate: Apple opens Miami office as part of its continuing expansion in the Latin American market.
- Corporate: Apple joins AT&T, IBM and Siemens as founding partner of Versit-a global initiative to provide common specifications to improve interoperability.
- Product: Leading industry developers announce support for second-generation Power Macintosh with PCI (Personal Component Interconnect).
- December
- Corporate: PowerBook tops customer satisfaction study by J. D. Power and Associates.
- Product: Kaleida Labs, an Apple and IBM multimedia joint venture, ships first products-Kaleida Media Player version 1.0 and ScriptX language & Class Library Version 1.0.
- January
- Product: Apple Ships QuickTime VR-bringing virtual reality to Macintosh and Windows personal computers.
- Product: Apple ships one millionth Power Macintosh.
- Product: Power Macintosh 6100/66, 7100/80 and 8100/100 eclipses fastest Pentium- based systems by an average of 38% reports Ingram Laboratories.
- Product: Apple announces MessagePad 120 with enhanced features.
- February
- Corporate: Apple hails FCC decision to allocate 10 Megahertz of radio spectrum for low-power, wireless data communications, "Data-PCS."
- Corporate: Pioneer licenses Apple's Mac OS for use in Pioneer's new line of personal computers.
- Corporate: Apple prepares for largest audience ever at MacWorld Tokyo 1995.
- Corporate: Marco Landi joins Apple as President, Apple Europe.
- March
- Product: Apple celebrates the first anniversary of the Power Macintosh, and the company's successful transition from CISC to RISC technology.
- Corporate: Dataquest study confirms Apple is the #1 worldwide multimedia PC vendor.
- Corporate: Apple sponsors International Non Government Organization Forum on Women in China.
- Product: ColorSync 2.0, Apple's updated color management architecture is unveiled.
- Product: Apple launches QuickTime On-Line, the company's new Internet World Wide Web server.
- April
- Product: Apple introduces three new PowerPC microprocessor-based servers-Workgroup Servers 6150/66, 8150/110, and 9150/120.
- Product: Power Macintosh 5200/75 LC announced for the education market.
- Product: Apple announces Internet solutions at Internet World, including Personal Internet Solution Bundle for educators and Apple Internet Server.
- Product: Multimedia user experience enhanced with new Apple CD 600e quad-speed CD-ROM player.
- Product: Apple ships QuickTake 150 digital camera for Macintosh, Power Macintosh and Windows personal computers, strengthening its commitment to offer complete imaging solutions.
- Corporate: Guerrino De Luca named president of Claris Corporation.
- Corporate: BYTE Magazine readers vote Apple Power Macintosh Best Hardware Product of the Year.
- May
- Corporate: Apple declares a $.12 per share dividend for Q295.
- Product: Apple New Media Forum: World Tour '95 held in Cannes, France, celebrates the new era of new media.
- Product: Apple provides interactive TV set-top technology for a six-state trial of interactive educational programming with Lightspan Partnership, Inc.
- Corporate: Apple and IBM agree to provide multi-platform application development tools to enable users to build custom applications using OpenDoc technology.
- Product: Apple unveils the next generation of Mac OS at its Worldwide Developers Conference.
- Corporate: As many as 3,500 developers-a record number-attend the conference.
- Product: The first feature-complete version of OpenDoc is released to 50,000 developers worldwide.
- Product: WiggleWorks Story Pack 2, a new product in the award-winning Apple Home Learning software series, is introduced.
- Product: eWorld adds new publishers-increasing number of publishers online to more than 260.
- Corporate: AT&T and Apple sign multimedia communications agreement to provide videoconferencing and desktop collaboration capabilities using QuickTime Conferencing technology and WorldWorx Network Services.
- Corporate: Versit issues first specifications intended to promote interoperability among communication and information products.
- Corporate: Apple hosts China Market Forum '95 in Beijing.
- Corporate: Apple Petitions FCC to create unlicensed high-speed wireless "National Information Infrastructure Band."
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